The Career Profile Inventory is a unique career assessment that gives you valuable information beyond skills and interest inventories. It provides insight about three key career factors associated with job satisfaction and career fit by comparing where you currently are in your career and where you'd like to be.

These three areas include:
  1. Career Stage (measuring your current career development stage and relevant life issues surrounding it)

  2. Career Path Preference (suggesting the preferred career path that will maximize job and career satisfaction)

  3. Political Style Orientation (identifying your preference for the kind of political style that will be an optimum "fit" in your current or future organizational culture)

Take the Career Profile Inventory online today and immediately receive your personalized feedback report with the following features:
  • A comprehensive summary analyzing your current versus preferred career stage, path preference and political style orientation

  • Online career transition and search resources (web sites and tools)

  • Self-directed questions to better manage your career

  • A comprehensive career development planning guide

Your Career Profile Inventory feedback report will be available to you automatically online and provides a summary of your results and online career search and exploration resources.

Cost: $35.00 (payment by Visa, MasterCard or American Express)
Click Here To Order!

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